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Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET) 2014

Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET) 2014
Symbiosis International University

Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET) 2014
Symbiosis International University

  Important Dates  

  • Duration : SET duration is 150 minutes.
  • SET is an objective test.
  • Papers :
    SET is conducted in two sessions for FIVE question papers.
    A candidate may apply to take one paper from each session.
  • Institutes : The constituent institutes use scores of the following for admission.

SET is an aptitude test and objective in nature for all the papers. Each question has four options as answers. There is no negative marking for wrong answers. All sections are mandatory.

Structure of SET- 2014 for Law Timing: 9.30 am to 12.00 noon

Structure of SET- 2014 for Design Timing: 9.30 am to 12.00 noon

Structure of SET- 2014 for General Timing: 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm.

Structure of SET- 2014 for Engineering Timing: 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm

Structure of SET- 2014 for Health Sciences Timing: 2.30 pm to 5.00pm

Step 1

A candidate can register for one paper from the morning session; viz, Law or Design and one paper from the afternoon session; viz, General or Engineering or Health Sciences Register at This will generate your SET ID.

You need to upload your latest scanned photograph (in the given format and size) at the time of online registration.

Step 2

Pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 1500/- towards the test fee and for prospectus of undergraduate programmes of Symbiosis International University. The SIU Admission Cell will courier a copy of prospectus to the address registered at

Candidates have four (4) choices for payment as follows,

  • CASH :
    • This ‘Payment Advice’ form is in three parts. Pay Rs. 1500/- in cash at Axis Bank or Indian Bank branches in your city. Refer to the list of branches on the website. The bank will return two parts of the ‘payment advice’ form to you. The ‘student copy’ is your receipt.
    • Sign the Symbiosis copy of the ‘Payment Slip’ form stamped by Axis Bank or Indian Bank and send it to :
      Symbiosis Test Secretariat
      Symbiosis International University
      Gram : Lavale, Tal : Mulshi, Dist : Pune – 412 115.
    • Get a crossed demand draft for Rs. 1500/- from any Nationalized Bank in favor of “Symbiosis Test Secretariat” payable at Pune.
    • Sign the single copy of the ‘payment advice’ for Demand Draft and send it along with Demand Draft to the Symbiosis Test Secretariat at,
      Symbiosis Test Secretariat
      Symbiosis International University
      Gram : Lavale, Tal : Mulshi, Dist : Pune – 412 115.
    • You may pay directly through either Master or Visa card online.
    • You may transfer your SET test fee to Symbiosis Test Secretariat account using Net Banking option.

Note :
Please note that Symbiosis Test Secretariat will not be responsible for non-delivery on any delay on the part of courier / postal services.

It is also mandatory to complete registration by filling up the on line application form of desired institute for desired programme before the closing date of application of the respective institute.

The SET website allows a facility for payment towards online application for the institutes along with SET 2014 payment. The institutes are :
  • Symbiosis Law School [SLS] - Pune
  • Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research [SICSR]
  • Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies [SCMS] - Pune
  • Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences. [SIHS]
  • Symbiosis Institute of Design [SID]
  • Symbiosis Institute of Media & Communication [SIMC-UG]
  • Symbiosis College of Nursing [SCON]
  • Symbiosis School of Economics [SSE]
  • Symbiosis Institute of Technology [SIT]
  • Symbiosis Law School [SLS] - Noida
  • Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies [SCMS] – Noida
  • Symbiosis School of Liberal Arts [SSLA]

Step 3

Important instructions regarding Admit Card

  • SET Test Admit Card should be printed from the SET website [] which will be available from, Monday, April 21st, 2014, till Saturday, May 03rd, 2014.
  • Admit Card along with Photo Identity proof should be carried to the Test Centre at the time of the test. An acceptable photo identity is any one of the following,
    • Passport
    • Driving license
    • College / Institute identity card
    • Credit card with photograph
    • Voter Id Card
    • Pan Card
    • AADHAR Card (UID)
  • Please ensure that your latest passport size, colour photograph is pasted on the Admit Card at the place provided for and duly attested by Gazetted Officer before appearing for test.
  • An authorized person from Symbiosis International University will verify and authenticate your Admit Card against the photo-id. Please preserve this authenticated Admit Card for further PIWAT processes.
  • Candidates should note that an authenticated Admit Card is an important document without which the candidate will not be permitted to appear for further selection processes of SIU. If the Admit card is lost, a duplicate Admit Card will not be issued. It should be retained till the admission process is over.

Important :
SET registration fee is non-refundable. Please note that claims for refund of the SET registration fee will not be entertained on any account.

At the time of filling online application form or while appearing for SET test, any attempt to impersonate or indulge in any other malpractice would automatically disqualify the candidate from admission processes of all under graduate institutes of Symbiosis International University and make the student liable to legal prosecution as per the laws of country.

Every student is urged to note that no donation or capitation fee is required to be paid for admission to any of the Symbiosis institutes. Students are cautioned against falling prey to any such assurance/offer by any individual or outside agency.

Undergraduate Institutes of Symbiosis International University

Symbiosis is known for quality education and offers an array of undergraduate programmes in Law, Management, Computer Studies, Health Sciences, Design, Media & Communication, Economics, Engineering and Liberal Arts. The Constituent institutes are :

How to apply to Undergraduate Institutes of Symbiosis International University?

You may apply online for admission to an undergraduate institute of the University. The application fee is Rs. 1000/- per institute, except for SICSR. (The application fee for SICSR is Rs. 1000/- for one programme and Rs.2000/- for two programmes). There are two options to apply for admission to an institute:
  • From SET website
    While paying SET fees online, a candidate may also pay the application fee for admission to a desired institute. Even after closing of the payment for SET, a candidate may still apply through SET website.
  • From the institute website
    A candidate may also register separately for SET and applying to an institute. However, SET registration and appearing for the test is mandatory.

    It is important to see that a candidate appears for the appropriate SET paper to seek admission.

    An institute may also be offering more than one programme. A candidate should ensure the desired programme is selected.

    You cannot apply to an institute that does not accept the score of the test that you choose to give. For example, if you choose to give the General test only, you cannot apply to SLS. Similarly, if you choose to give the Law test only, you cannot apply to SSE or SCMS or SICSR.

    You may give both tests and apply to all the four institutes.

    Similarly, you may give the Design test and the Engineering/ Health Sciences test and also apply to SID, SIT, SIHS and SCON.

    After declaration of the SET result, the institute to which you have applied will conduct further selection process for short listed candidates. The schedule for the same will be published on the websites of the institute.

Reservation Policy

As per the UGC guideline 2006, the reservation policy for all the institutes under the University is as given below :
Within the sanctioned intake
SC - 15 %
ST - 7.5 %
Differently Abled - 3 %

Over and above the intake
Kashmir Migrants - 2 seats per programme
International Students - 15 %

Defence Quota - 5 % for SLS-PUNE and SICSR.

Note: Candidate applying for the above mentioned categories will be required to submit the supporting documents at the time of GE/PI.

Information about the institute specific PI-WAT process will be updated shortly.

SET test is conducted in 18 cities. A candidate may choose any one city. The centre and its address will be informed to the candidate on the admit card.

  • Morning Session, (Law and Design Test) reach the test centre latest by 8.45 A.M. The test will start at 9:30 A.M.
  • For Afternoon Session (General, Engineering and Health Sciences Test), reach the test centre latest by 1:45 P.M. The test procedure will start at 2:30 P.M.
  • Bring the following to the Test Centre:
    • SET 2014 admit card: Candidates will not be allowed to appear for the test without the admit card.
    • Photo identity : Any one of the following:
      • Passport
      • Driving license
      • College / Institute identity card
      • Credit card with photograph
      • Voter Id Card
      • Pan Card
      • Aadhar Card
    • Blue/Black ballpoint pen.
  • Cell phones, calculators, watch calculators, alarm clocks, digital watches with built in calculators / memory and any other electronic gadgets will not be allowed in the examination hall.
  • Occupy the seat allotted to you by verifying the seat number written on the desk and indicated in your admit card.
  • The Test Invigilator will check your admit card.
  • The test booklet will be distributed 15 minutes before the starting time of the test. When you get the test booklet, make sure that the booklet is in sealed condition. If the seal is broken or tampered with then check immediately that all the pages of the Booklet are in order. In the rare event if the Test Booklet being defective, bring it to the notice of the invigilator immediately to arrange for the replacement of Test Booklet if required.
  • The test invigilators will instruct you to open the seals of the test booklet 15 minutes before the start of the test.
  • Check immediately that all the pages of the booklet are in order. In the rare event of the test booklet being defective, bring it to the notice of the invigilator immediately who will arrange for replacement of test booklet, if required.
  • You are not allowed to leave the hall till the test is over and until the invigilator collects the Aanswer Sheets and Test Booklets. You will be allowed to leave the hall only after the AnswerSheetsand Test Booklets of all the candidates in your hall have been collected and accounted for.
  • Candidates found using any unfair means will forfeit their chance of being considered for admission and will be debarred from receiving SET scores.
  • Invigilator or Symbiosis Test Secretariat representative will stamp and authenticate your admit card.


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